I can't imagine life in LA without riding a bike. If you don't know it yet, join us for the next BMC Group Ride on Saturday, February 4th. You will have more friends and enjoy life.@beachsidemotoclub 昼夜問わずBike Shedに行けば誰かしらバイク仲間に会え、ハグして爆笑し合える。飯も酒も充実しててBike Shed最高だなLAのバイクコミュニティも多様性豊富で最高過ぎる️

I can't imagine life in LA without riding a bike. If you don't know it yet, join us for the next BMC Group Ride on Saturday, February 4th. You will have more friends and enjoy life.@beachsidemotoclub 昼夜問わずBike Shedに行けば誰かしらバイク仲間に会え、ハグして爆笑し合える。飯も酒も充実しててBike Shed最高だなLAのバイクコミュニティも多様性豊富で最高過ぎる️
